We have extensive stocks of all the Botz glaze ranges - in all the available sizes - which we import directly from Botz in Germany. In addition we also have a basic range of Industrial powder base glazes (Transparent & White) for most temperatures. We also stock 'selected' American 'Duncan' & Amaco, inc. Hi-Fire Celadon brush-on glazes.
Our stock range of ready prepared clays is also extensive & includes Paperclays & Earthstones, St.Thomas & Craft Crank, as well as everyday School Buff's & Terracottas. Casting slips & Pottery plaster are also available from stock.
Our range of Underglazes & Stains includes the HFC (High Firing Colours) range, & the Amaco Velvet underglazes - in all colours & sizes + Botz Unidekor & Engobes.
Tools & Equipment are available from stock, & our tool range covers all the basic items needed, including hand tools, whirlers, seives, brushes,etc. We also have a selection of machinery & equipment available or to look at. Ceramatech is used as a regular supplier by many well known Professional Potters, Schools & Colleges.
We have been selling for several years, the Nabertherm range of Kilns (largest kiln maker in Europe). They are High Quality ~ High Spec. Electric Kilns from Germany, Top & Front loading, Round & Rectangular. If you would like more info, please click on the following link:, then click on the picture of the catalogue, to download (pdf file) The current sizes of all Toploading Kilns are now included in the e-Brochure! Please e-mail us for Kiln prices.
Assorted Kiln Furniture available from Stock! Round & Rectacangular. Kiln Props & Stilts Available. Please Contact Us for more Info.